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Publicity And Visitor Organization

Below is the list of all the activities that are conducted inside and outside the country for the publicity of our exhibitions and the visitor operations. These activities may vary partially when spread to the entire year. New articles may be added in accordance with the fields of the exhibitions that need publicity and the current situations.

General Operations

  • All of the companies that operate in the sectors which our exhibition covers will continuously be informed.
  • All of the persons and institutions that have visited our exhibitions will regularly be informed about our exhibitions.
  • General publicity and publication activities (within the body of the solution partner or the company) will be conducted with a professional PR team.

Operations To Be Conducted With Our Publications

  • Publications about our exhibitions in the sectors which we also publish will be included in every issue.
  • Our exhibition will be included in every issue with a separate title, and articles that inform the sector about the developments about our exhibitions will be published.
  • Logotypes of our exhibitions will be printed on the covers of our publications.
  • Exhibition files, invitations and other print materials will be delivered along with our publications.

Face-To-Face Interviews, Direct Communication With The Target Populace

  • Private sector companies scattered all around our country are regularly interviewed. The sector will be informed about the exhibition via these regular interviews.
  • Continuous communication with the special target visitor populace will be maintained. Face-to-face interviews will be conducted where visitors will be influenced in groups.
  • Their members will be interviewed via NGOs (Nongovernmental Organizations – associations, chambers, foundations etc.).
  • Regular communication will be maintained with the visitors who visited our exhibitions in previous years. Face-to-face interviews will be conducted with the previous visitors that have been categorized in accordance with their significance.
  • Cooperation with the related public bodies will be established, and operations will be conducted to have the related units of the bodies visit the exhibition.
  • Special operations will be conducted with the Turkish Armed Forces, Turkish National Police, and universities.
  • Operations will be conducted with the commercial attaches in Turkiye, and the target populace abroad will be reached via these commercial attaches.
  • Consulates will be contacted, and information about our exhibition will be provided.
  • Field operations will be conducted where the sectors related to our exhibitions are primarily located. Our invitations, publications and files will be delivered to all the companies in that region during these operations.
  • Operations for the target visitors of our exhibition will be carried out continuously and information about the exhibition will be given regularly.

Domestic Procurement Committee Operations

  • Procurement committees for the domestic target visitor populace will be established.
  • The establishment of the procurement committees will be executed in cooperation with NGOs in every city and region in the country.
  • A noteworthy populace of target visitors visits the exhibition by means of the transfer of the groups of visitors provided by our company via the leadership of various public bodies from different cities in the country, sector associations, chambers, foundations, industrial estates, and leading companies and persons from the target regions.
  • These operations will be conducted in numerous points especially in the regions where there are many sector buyers and users. In the rest of the regions, operations will be carried out with the most powerful NGO.
  • Special operations will be executed for the sector companies that may become vendors and the important populace of buyers and users in the target regions.

Foreign Procurement Committee Operations, Cooperation With Consultancies/Attaches And Ngos

  • Special operations will be executed for the sector companies that may become distributors or vendors and the companies that may become buyers and users in the target countries.
  • The operations stated above will be carried out with our solution partner that conducts professional operations in the field of foreign procurement committees.
  • Sector companies in every country will be provided with publications via our consultancies/attaches abroad.
  • Our exhibitions will be publicized to the sector associations, chambers, foundations and similar organizations abroad where there are potential buyers. Potential buyers will be contacted through these organizations.

 Print Materials (Billboards, Invitations, Files Etc.)

  • Files that publicize our exhibitions will be prepared.
  • Invitations for our exhibitions (100.000’s of) and billboards (10.000’s of) will be prepared.
  • Our participant companies will be sent as many invitations and billboards as they request.
  • More than 100.000 invitations will be sent by post or express to the addresses of previous or new visitors in our database.
  • Publicity files, billboards and invitations of our exhibitions will be sent collectively to the sector associations, related professional chambers, chambers of commerce and industry, industrial estates and universities.

Web Sites, E-Mails, Social Media, Electronic Media Operations

  • Web sites pertaining to our exhibitions will be prepared and updated regularly. Information about the exhibitions will be included on the company main web page, www.marmarafuar.com.tr.
  • In addition to our website about our exhibitions, the online invitation forms will take place on the special website to the exhibition.
  • Cooperation will be executed with news sites, portals, web sites that are related to the sector and visited by certain professional groups.
  • Our activity calendars will be displayed in these web sites. There will also be banners and news in the web sites and hyperlinks to online invitations.
  • Our exhibitions will be announced in the calendars in general web sites.
  • Banners and publications will be placed in the web sites that are frequently visited by the sector.
  • E-bulletins pertaining to our exhibitions will be prepared monthly. The e-bulletins which cover current information about the exhibition, news about the exhibition and participants will be sent to all the groups included in our database.
  • Publicity e-mails which summarize the developments about our exhibitions will be sent monthly to those related to the sector and the target visitors.
  • Regular publications about our exhibitions will be conducted in social media channels. The operations that are executed in Facebook, Linkedin and Youtube will be done via the company’s account.
  • Arrangements will be conducted so that the visitors may obtain our online invitations through the social media channels.

Print And Visual Media, Publications, Radio And Tv, Outdoor Advertisements

  • Cooperation with periodicals related to the sector will be conducted.
  • Advertisements, news, press bulletins, reports about our exhibitions will be placed in sectoral publications.
  • Exhibition invitations will also be handed out as inserts in some issues of the publications that we cooperate with.
  • Banners will reciprocally be placed in the web sites of sectoral publications.
  • Press bulletins will regularly be sent to national and local print and visual media. Our advertisements will take place in the national media.
  • As the exhibition approaches,
  • News will be sent to national visual and print media more often;
  • Our advertisements will be placed in favorite radio channels;
  • Our outdoor advertisements and billboards will be placed in Istanbul;
  • Our outdoor advertisements will be placed around Istanbul World Trade Center and Ataturk Airport.

Ngos, Chambers, Industrial Estates

  • The sector associations, chambers, foundations and industrial estates related to the exhibition will regularly be informed about our exhibitions.
  • Interviews and cooperation will be conducted with the sector associations, chambers, foundations and industrial estates related to the exhibition.
  • Members of the sector associations, chambers, foundations and industrial estates will regularly be informed about our exhibitions.
  • Procurement committees will be arranged via the associations, chambers, foundations and industrial estates from all around Turkiye. The transfer of these committees will provided by the organization.
  • Cooperation will be conducted with the sector associations, chambers, foundations and professional organizations in the specified countries.

Sectoral Activity Participation In The Exhibition

  • All the domestic exhibitions that our participants and visitors attend intensely will be visited and our exhibitions will be publicized.
  • All the exhibitions that are important well-known abroad will definitely be visited.
  • Our stands will be in place in the exhibitions that are attended inside and outside the country. Our exhibitions will be publicized at our stands.
  • Our exhibitions will be publicized inside and outside the country at such activities as conferences, congresses, Confex that are related to the sectors represented in our exhibitions.

Agencies, Solution Partners

  • Operations will be carried out by our representatives in different countries. Our representatives will publicize our exhibitions in the countries and regions which they are responsible for.
  • Operations pertaining to the sector companies in the countries where the sector products are manufactured and to the target visitor populace in the countries which are buyers and users will be executed.
  • Special operations pertaining to the sector companies that may become distributors or vendors and to the populace that have buyers and users in the target countries will be executed.
  • Publications will be conducted via our domestic solution partners in the regions abroad where they operate.

